Hey sis, it's Octavia!
I’m that faith-based fertility coach one YouTube who optimized her fertility and irregular cycles to get pregnant three times and I want the same & more for you!
I’m that faith-based fertility coach one YouTube who optimized her fertility and irregular cycles to get pregnant three times and I want the same & more for you!
I thought it was smooth sailing as my husband and I were doing the deed without a care in the world.
But almost two years and back-to-back miscarriages went by and I knew something wasn't right.
... and just taking ovulation tests weren't cutting it. I felt like I didn't know anything about my reproductive system, even as a nurse.
After purchasing my fair share of ovulation and pregnancy tests. I finally realized 2 things:
I needed to chart my entire cycle in order to figure out the best time for me to conceive and heal my body from the inside out. I learned my own fertility signs and was able to get pregnant with my rainbow baby within the first month of trying.
Now, I help ambitious Christian women grow in God on their journey to and through motherhood.